Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Create Printable Crosswords On Your Website For Free

Fellow unix geek and word search enthusiast Phil Paradis has written a Perl program that will allow you to create printable crosswords!

This is great news if you run your own web site. Using Phil's script, you can easily automatically generate printable crosswords on your own web site, based upon input from the user. For example, the webmaster could build a form to allow it's users to input a combination of words and hints, and have your web site create and display the word search for the user to immediately use. Pretty cool!

This UNIX Perl console application generates crossword puzzles from a list of words and clues. It's intended to serve as a backend to programs which gather input data from users, then format the resulting puzzle into a human-readable format.
Hopefully we'll be able to implement this on this site, and start sharing and trading your original printable crosswords!

You an find Phil's scripts here.

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